| Official Blog __________________________________________________
= By the way, the last time I checked... it is still happening.
= The mere fact that these individuals are framing their lives through the prism of politics, legalities and finances shows their utter lack of comprehension. Any human construct that people get lost in is direct proof of their intellectual inadequacies. Then I have to hear them project the words onto others... what an utter lack of self awareness.
= I heard Mad Vlad Putin call a reporter 'dumb' recently. I heard Dr. 'I can't order Bosley for Men even though I have the money' Phil call people 'stupid'. Are you guys sure you want to question the intellect of others? Do we have to go over this again? Primitive minds trying to cover up their glaring insecurities. Sad. DISCLAIMER: The word 'primitive' is not being used to connotate any particular race, creed or color. See previous entry on full disclaimer.
= How long will it take before the 'take over' of the US begins? Or has it already happened? Or is it happening right now? Somebody of great intellect, please explain the timeline to me. I've been hearing your boy talk about 'pouring in' for over a decade now (and I heard it long before him). Is this like the Y2K thing? Or the rapture thing? It's just always out there... just wait one more day type of thing?
= What is the opposite of woke?
= Bad for the brand...
= Nobody is listening to a 75 year old trash talking, spray tanned face with white borders, bad hips & digestive tract, stuck in the 80's, mail order bride ordering, German nihilist wanna be who thinks he can stop the Earth from moving forward... he's on short time anyway...
= As you may or may not know... DT is bad for the brand.
= I know... I know... that's too 'far out' for you to think about (much less actually attempt)... I got it... I just thought maybe this one time...
= Of course, we can't forget about the (arguably) most glaring example... money vs value, scheme vs plan, fiat vs standard, however you want to mentally frame it...
= How long are you guys going to repeat the same behaviors? Will you ever become aware enough to understand that we, as a collective, are acting... can I say it? Primitive. OFFICIAL DISCLAIMERR! This word is not being associated/attributed/attached to or otherwise used in a negative public relations function with regards to race, creed or color. I'm talking about belief vs physics, representative vs direct, fission vs fusion, disturbed vs centered, you know... stuff like that.
= Everybody wants to rule the world... they even wrote a song about it...
= Every single person who thinks they are extra special needs to grow up.
= As you may or may not know, I operate out of Las Vegas, home to Lake Mead (largest human constructed resevoir in the US). As you also may or may not know, it has been steadily draining from overconsumption and drought for the past several years (or more). At any rate, I am very concerned about the lack of foresight and action planning on this issue. I feel as if everybody is waiting around for the bathtub to drain without any clue as to how to generate more fresh water. Isn't water made up of two hydrogen atoms bonded with one oxygen atom? I really can't see why we (collectively) can't figure out how to make this process happen with a device/machine. Hoping for more snowfall in the Rockies for our survival doesn't seem like a sustainable plan to me. How about ionized condensers to extract water vapor out of the air and condense it into liquid water, as a starter? Also, perhaps heating up hydrogen and oxygen to the point where can bond/fuse could assist in the creation of liquid water, which would eliminate a tremendous amount of stress and resources for other pressing issues (more effecient food production, for example). If nature can do it (create water), then we should be able to replicate it...
= How's the economic thing working out for everybody?
Seems like the more people make, the more everything costs. That's not progress, that's psychosis... what is it that y'all are really that afraid of,,, 'free' money? That sounds so primitive...
= I see y'all are still spinning in circles politically, economically and (for the most part) environmentally. Never in my wildest (worst) dreams did I think y'all were this obstinate. There has been more than enough time to check my work, yet...
= DT lost an election he probably could've won had he just used a small part of his brain about COVID-19. But, as it is, he forced many people to vote by mail, then said it was cheating, then filed lawsuit after lawsuit until finally the US Supreme Court denied to hear a case from Texas (among others) dealing with other state's voting procedures. I didn't think political life could get much weirder than the Bush, Jr. years, but I guess I was wrong...
= So now coronavirus is starting to spread across the globe and everybody is still concentrating on the human construct of money. Great job, DT.
= Whatever else is going on, what's taking so long to vote on an infrastructure bill? It would get overwhelming support on both sides. It's a win for everyone. C'mon, can't you give everybody a Christmas gift, just this once?
= What kind of person talk about openly war at Christmas time? Oh yeah, THAT guy...
= I would strongly consider spending more time on space exploration and a lot less (none, if possible) time on war, battles, rifts, differences, conflict, strife, discord, unease, tension and all other related high blood pressure inducing thoughts. It's all just energy, dimwits. If you go to war with your fellow citizens you are misplaced. But, by all means, if that's what you feel you need to do to get with the program, then go for it. There couldn't be a better time to move forward than now. It's been more than long enough...
= So, I think it's fairly evident that the super rich have co-opted the global political systems and are in league together. The internet has changed the ability to isolate yourself. Of course, the federally insured banks are running the show. The fatal flaw of this logic is that money is a human construct. There is no gaslighting this fundamental fact. Y'all need to seriously read more (different kinds of) books.
= Got the chance to visit Hawai'i (Big Island), really makes you appreciate the fact that we live on an acitive planet. Volcanic activity & tectonic plate movement is amazing.
= What's happening, Earth?
= Holing up in your imaginary box (house, country club, company, country, etc) won't change the fact that every living being is floating around the Sun on the same planet, sharing the same biosphere. Can't y'all see through the prism, yet? So annoying that it's taking forever...
= Still haven't heard from Mr. Intelligent about how human constructed money is more important than the biosphere, living beings (especially children) or improving medical.
= Ho hum, we're continuing to stroll down the lane, floating down the river of existence. Still can't seem to push through the old ways. Oh well, guess we'll wait some more.
= So, the response to (yet another) school massacre is to arm the teaching profession? Not to put in the same security measures as any other important public building (armed guard at entrance, metal detector, x-ray/screening machine)? Not to hire additional (multiple) security guards on campus? The answer is to give Mr. Nelson a gun. And Mrs. Harris. And maybe Coach Strapovich? So then gun sales go up, then the stock ticks up and you old geezers can get more money in your 'portfolios'? History is NOT going to look back fondly on these ideas, y'all. Why would you even think such things? I know the answer, but I really wish y'all would figure it out sooner than later. I've already been waiting 17 years (and counting)...
= Now we're actually talking openly about launching the nukes? At least when I said it, I knowingly did it as parody. The point is to stop talking about war, but, of course, they can't because they're whole scheme depends on it. What a sad attempt at intelligence and greed. If you had any idea what greed actually ties into (you're not going to like hearing what it is, 'believe me'), you might be embarrassed enough to adapt your behavior patterns. Why can't you just, for once, make a sustained effort to understand yourself and your surroundings? I really just don't get it, yo. Shaking my damn head (forever, evidently).
= Won't even get into it...
= We won't even get into the idea that the military utilizes socialist principles to stay funded while the wealthiest of us profit on selling them weapons (i.e. using tax dollars to pay private companies to build our military forces so we can send our youngest and, often times, less privileged citizens to fight wars in order to keep stock prices up).
= I'm really enjoying watching the wealthiest of Americans try to co-opt our political system to benefit them so they can bequeath their wealth to their children before they die. It's such a brilliant idea, to worry so much about that while ignoring the natural forces at work on the planet that their children will have to inhabit after they pass on. I'm pretty sure we've been over many of these ideas already. In fact, we're quickly approaching 17 years, y'all. That's over 6,100 days that we could've fixed (some of) these problems and have chosen to focus on money (a human construct). Super intelligent!
= It is still happening...
= I'm still waiting for that intellectual giant to explain to me how billions of dollars are magically created in the stock market, yet we are still so 'broke' elsewhere. Can't we just create money in other sectors, as well? Or, can't we use a fraction of a percent for every imaginary dollar created to improve our collective situation? Now I see we have 'cryptocurrency', which is an interesting idea (based on computerized credit). Please, intelligent people, explain it all to me so I can understand why the majority of living humans on this planet are struggling with their financial situations. The stats I check still show a small fraction of the global population own an overwhelming amount of the weatlh.
= Hey, what's going on, world? Excited about the eclipse? That's cool, I wonder what will happen after the brief moment that the Moon moves between the Sun and the Earth? My guess is a whole lot of the same stuff. I'm curious why (if everybody is so charged up about this basic astronomical event) don't people keep the focus on space after it ends. It's really not that big of a deal. Expanding our understanding of Alpha Centauri, magnetics, plasma and fusion, on the other hand...
= Now, pulling out of the climate change accord, huh? Cool. You know, the U.S. doesn't need to be in an accord to cut emissions, right? They could just do it on their own accord. Additionally, complaining about other countries when the U.S. has had an 100 year head start on (literally) blowing smoke into the atmosphere is very curious. Lastly, ultimately it won't matter much in the long run unless we improve technology because (as I've stated before), the Earth is slowly moving in toward the Sun. Hey, I've got an idea! Let's go watch more movies and wait until tomorrow to talk/think about it!
= Why don't we actually start to focus on the reason for high insurance premiums/costs? The small group of physicians who meet (in private) that actually set the rates for healthcare procedures is who the focus should be on. How are these rates set? It seems that these rates don't reflect true market value for services rendered, at this point. Especially when many of the physicians/doctors are simply giving their opinion. For those rates, I don't want your opinion, I want an accurate diagnosis.
= Running the money train down the tracks again on the route to nowhere will not change this basic fact.
= Another thing that I hope is perfectly clear: the longer this goes on without understanding and action is less time everybody will have to fix the problems. Just so we understand this very basic point.
= Just so we're all clear: US GDP was (again) #1 in the world in 2016 at approximately $18.5 trillion (IMF). Also, violent crime in the US is down approximately 16.5% in the past 10 years (according to fbi.gov). Additionally, high school graduation rates up to approximately 83% (npr). Get your narrative right, 'folks'. Do some basic research, it only takes a couple of minutes.
= I'm shocked! Trump will not divulge his tax returns.
= US GDP 2016: $18.5 trillion, 2015: $17.9 trillion
= Still thinking about money as something important? Still talking about supply and demand (as if this concept isn't just groups of individual humans manipulating the value based upon their desires and whims)? Still ignoring the very elementary fact that we all live in a small breathable bubble that is constantly being filled up with smoke particulates? Still talking about higher being's plans while treating other humans with disdain? Still accepting the outrageously high rates set by health care personnel (without definitive diagnoses and advanced imaging technology)? Huh... very interesting.
= So, immediately after talking a good game about helping all of the people of the USA, the first thing Don does is begin repealing affordable health care and reverse a deduction on mortgage insurance premiums? Sweet...
= Is the IRS audit finsihed with Don Trump's taxes? How long does it take? This has got to be the longest audit in the history of audits. Or... he's just lying and will never release the tax returns. Well, if it's good enough for the president, then it's good enough for me. Lying all around, y'all!
= Let's get back to an ongoing issue. The concept of climate change, global warming (or whatever else y'all want to label it this year) is the combination of two primary factors. The first is the constant release of carbon dioxide (and monoxide) into the atmoshphere from smoke of various sources. The second is the release of clorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Let's start with CFCs: these molecules interact negatively with ozone (found in the stratosphere), meaning they destroy ozone when they interact, thinning the layer which protects us from the Sun's ultraviolet radiation. Additionally, the ozone also regulates the temperature by trapping just enough heat to help organic life to flourish. In the winter, a lack of ozone will cause freezing temperatures. It's very easy to see why the ozone layer is extremely important to our health. Now, let's talk about carbon dioxide/monoxide. If you are not aware, this is very bad for organic organisms, primarily the cardiovascular system. If you zoom out from yourself to see the entire planet, you will quickly see that filling the relativiely small area we inhabit up with smoke, combined with thinning the ozone layer spells disaster for our (and every other species) currently living on this rock.
= Happy New Year (2017). We are now coming up on the 16th anniversary of StaticEclipse.com.
= Has America already started to become great again? I can't tell and nobody has said when exactly this is going to happen (and on what timeline).
= It's quite baffling that there are those who still argue the simple fact that burning dead animals and plants (i.e. fossil fuels) is slowly filling this bubble up with smoke. Also, it is (and has been) deteroriating the ozone layer. Haven't we been over all of this before? Please don't tell me about the 'money' thing again as your reason for avoiding these elementary facts. Do we need to have that talk again, too? What is it with some people?
= Back to basics: The Sun is a G2 star. Google it.
= Now that we've established that, let's continue: We live on Earth, between the crust and the stratosphere (the troposphere is between this area). Google it.
= The troposphere is the layer of the atmosphere where 99% of water vapor is located and is between 5-10 miles above the surface (crust).
= So, we have (at most), 10 miles of breathable atmosphere around the globe. It actually varies, larger at the equator, less at the poles.
= If you've ever taken a long trip, you realize that 10 miles isn't very far...
= Above the troposphere is the stratosphere, where the ozone layer is located. This layer is what basically keeps us alive.
= Somewhat of a simplification, but you get the point: There
isn't a lot of atmosphere to work with between life and being sucked into space.
= Well, now we have Trump. It will go as it did previously... up for a while, then down over the 'edge'. Hope I'm wrong...
= Any sprial structure in nature (whirlpool, hurricane, tornado) always has tremendous gravitational force pulling inwards, as in the material around it is being inhaled toward a vortex. So, applying this principle to our solar system, the Sun obviously is the vortex pulling all the material, (planets, moons, asteroids, dust, etc) in toward it. That's why there is an orbit (trajectory) for each major planet (and their moon/s).
= Still chatting about politics? Pssst, here's a hint, the convo never ends. It's a psychological dead end. You have your opinion, and I have mine... so what? Big deal. An opinion, by its very nature, does not 'win' or 'lose'. That's your mind being unable/unwilling to perceive that you are just one among billions. No one person is all that important. Oh yeah, and the population is growing exponentially...
= Whatever happened to not talking about politics, religion or sex? Guess that's out of the window. No wonder why people have such trouble communicating, compromising and cooperating.
= So, let me get this straight... less than a decade after GWB almost ran the economy to the brink of collapse, y'all are now going to possibly turn the keys to the Ferrari over to a businessman who has spent his career playing fast and loose with financing? Ok, then. Part of me hopes y'all elect him so that we can finally, once and for all, go through the entire economic collapse (which definitely will happen, along with possible war) and have to rebulid with a new outlook. Don't get me wrong, I would hate to have people lose their money (again), but this whole hanging on to old ways of doing business has really been a drag to watch (and live through).
= U.S. GDP (USD): 2013 - $16.6 trillion, 2014 - $ 17.3 trillion, 2015 - $17.9 trillion (all #1 in the world)
= Magnetic fields around vehicles (especially cars) would reduce fatalies to practically zero. This is not to say there would not be accidents or injuries, but the chance of somebody smashing through a glass windshield, or the ignition of a combustible engine smashing into another, or the metal crushing somebody would be greatly diminished. A magnetic ring would need to be installed around each vehicle, along with magnetic strips along the sides of roads. Think bumper cars (but with magnets). Plus, it would create millions of infrastructure/construction jobs across the globe.
= It is still happening...
= I'm completely baffled by the current political landscape.
= Still no movement on magnetics...
= A harmonic is defined as an integer (whole number) multiple of the fundamental frequency. Vibrating strings, open cylindrical air columns, and conical air columns will vibrate at all harmonics of the fundamental.
= I recently read an article about the water shortage in California. Seriously, y'all? I told y'all to fix that problem back in 2001. Let me tell you again, very clearly... the planet is heating up, you cannot stop it. Why? That's because the Earth is moving (orbiting) in towards the Sun (due to the graviational pull). So, instead of worrying about turning off the faucets when you brush your teeth, why don't you fire up the desalination plants and start brainstorming (cooperatively) technolgoy options so we can transport off this rock and find some other water sources. Why is this so difficult fot the huamn mind to comprehend? Y'all do know about basic gravity, right?
= Don't get me wrong, 'folks', I like entertainment just like the next yokel, but not to the point of consuming at the expense of my own long term survival.
= I'm curious how people can consider themselves to be intelligent when they can't stop themselves from focusing on primitive things like money (a human construct), entertainment (a human construct) and religion (you guessed it... a human construct). Oh well, let's have another party.
= Got a chance to see the space shuttle Endeavour in LA.
= I would suggest that NASA make Alpha Centauri A/B the primary objective. If you still want to colonize Mars, the Moon or explore the rest of the solar system, go right ahead.
= Had to take time off because of my baby boy. At any rate, I see little has changed in our collective thinking. Why am I not surprised?
= "Effort and hard work construct the bridge that connects your dreams to reality." - SGI
= It is still happening...
= I have added two new pages to the site (MAGNETICS and HARMONICS). They will describe both of these phenomena and their real world applications.
= You can connect with Static Eclipse on the New MySpace, by the way...
= You can check out "Our Solar System" vid on the HOME and MAPS pages.
= Chargers hired former Denver OC Mike McCoy as their new HC. Former Indianapolis exec Tim Telesco is the new GM. Now, let's hope they draft some offensive line help in the draft.
= My goal has never been for your approval or critique... nor will it ever be. Believe me, I've heard just about everything you can conjure up. But, if you have some new stuff, go ahead and say it to yourself now.
= Happy 12 years to StaticEclipse.com! This site has been an example of extreme will... and, by the way, it is still happening.
= You can check out the official trailer for UNIVERSE on this site. ALPHA CENTAURI trailer 3.0 will be available soon.
= The Chargers hired a new GM (Tim Telesco) and HC (Mike McCoy). They also brought in the former Arizona HC (Ken Whisenhunt) as OC. No more Norv!
= I haven't heard too much recently about the end of the world in December. Hopefully it'll stay that way...
= Updated and backed up my archived blogs. I may add an archive page sometime in the future...
= Happy Anniversary! 11 years since StaticEclipse.com was established.
= Another curious turn of events has been the retreat of our country from space. It's like we're scared to move forward on it. What gives? Alpha Centauri is still the primary objective and that won't change as long as you and I (and our children's children) live. There is not much to be gained elsewhere in our solar system. Total stagnation in this area.
= Oh yeah... I almost forgot... it is still happening...
= In other news, I continue to find it absolutely bizarre and somewhat comical that the world can't seem to push through it's economic and political problems. It's coming up on 11 years since I launched this site in an effort to disseminate information through the forum of entertainment. I have backed off my 'aggressive tone' in the hopes that y'all would move through your obstinate arrogance. 11 years to figure it out, and most of y'all are still talking about the same problems, trying the same tired tactics and still wondering why things haven't improved. Still 'busy'? Haha... this is turning out to be quite an experience.
= The Chargers have become the laughingstock of the NFL with a 6 game losing streak (most of them one score games). Terrible time management, injuries, bad play calling, turnovers... you name it. Damn, I thought the worst was behind this team after we lost all of our star power (Brees, Michael Turner, Merriman, Cromartie, Sproles)... I guess I was wrong again. When will management get out of the fog, hire a legitimate coach, move the team to Los Angeles and start to play better football? Looks like never from what I see...
= If we're so 'broke', how come things haven't come apart by
now? People have been pushing the 'we're broke' routine for a while, now. Don't forget, the U.S. has generated over $42 trillion dollars over the past 3 years alone. What gives?
= You can connect with Mr. Multimedia USA on
Facebook or Twitter. Simply click on the icons above.
Thank you for your continued patronage and support. Peace.
= You can have any opinion you want about me personally. Don't you think I've already anticipated all of that? C'mon now...